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December 15 2011, 11:21 Fruit-Inform

Losses of Ukrainian potatoes and vegetables increase due to warm weather

According to Fruit-Inform, Ukrainian producers and entrepreneurs exert every effort to preserve vegetables and potatoes hoping for higher prices in the second half of winter and spring. However, warm weather in the most part of Ukraine leads to spoiling of stored produce, as not all of the market participants own modern storage facilities equipped with cooling system.

In particular, the market has already started being supplied with sprouting onions at giveaway prices. Owners of this produce understand that they will have to dispose of this produce in a matter of weeks; and this process also requires significant funds.

Unfortunately, meteorologists do not forecast any weather changes for the nearest 7-10 days. In the most territory of Ukraine, air temperature will maintain within 5-10 degrees above zero. At night, and mainly in the western regions, the temperature will decrease to zero. Under these conditions, a problem of rots and diseases developing in stored vegetables and potatoes will only be aggravated.

More information about current developments in the Russian and Ukrainian fruit and vegetable markets together with on-line price monitoring, official trade statistics and reliable analytics is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly.

We would also remind you that the price and production prospects in the Ukrainian vegetable and potato market in this and next seasons will be presented at the Fourth International Conference “Potatoes and Vegetables of Ukraine – 2012”, President Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine, February 16, 2012.

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