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February 20 2012, 11:52 Fruit-Inform

Ukraine: peak of low prices for potatoes and vegetables to be observed in April

According to Fruit-Inform, with the start of thaw, vegetable and potato prices will start decreasing again in Ukraine with a peak of low prices to be observed in April.

“With the start of thaw, prices will sharply go down with the peak of the price decrease to be observed closer to the mid-April, when farmers will start actively throwing out their produce”, Mr. Andriy Yarmak, Author of Fruit-Inform, was quoted as saying.

According to him, sellers will keep on offering last season's vegetables even after next harvesting. In particular, last season's onions will remain on offer by August.

“Early vegetables will be relatively inexpensive, as there will be a lot of last season's produce”, Mr. Yarmak added.

He also noted that the situation with each crop will be different in the new season. Mr. Yarmak expects a sharp decrease in white cabbage production and, accordingly, higher prices for this vegetables. Potato prices will remain relatively low due to availability of large stocks of this crop with even expected increase in production to have an insignificant impact on the price growth.

“The situation with carrots and red beets will normalize more or less. A profitability of their production will slightly grow, however the season will not be very favorable for producers”, Mr. Yarmak said.

We would remind you that current prices for traditional vegetables and potatoes are even lower than in the season 2008/09, when Ukraine faced serious overproduction of these crops for the first time ever.

More detailed information about current developments in the Ukrainian and Russian fruit and vegetable markets is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly service package.

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