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May 16 2012, 10:50 Fruit-Inform

Berries of Ukraine – 2012: a new record in number and geography of participants

As of today, the number of delegates of the 3rd International Conference “Berries of Ukraine – 2012: Frozen Produce & Fresh Market” has already exceeded the final number of participants of both 2010 and 2011 events in Lviv. According to the organizers, it was the most important berry business event of the year moving to Kiev (capital of Ukraine) to have aroused the interest of both foreign participants (13 countries at present) and Ukrainian berry business representatives.

As of May 15, 2012, the number of professionals taking part in the conference has reached 150 delegates and keeps on actively growing. The majority of delegates also plan to take part in the business-tour to Sirius Company on the second conference day.

Pay your attention that the maximum number of the conference participants is 170 delegates.

We remind you that the conference will start its work at 10:30, May 24, Stolychnyi Agricultural Center, 110-A, Velyka Kiltseva St., Kiev, Ukraine. The conference is organized by Fruit-Inform and Association of Wholesale Markets of Ukraine. Sirius Company is the conference partner. The conference is sponsored by Astra, and Bayer CropScience is the sponsor of the conference business-tour.

Applications of participation in the conference are accepted till May 18.

More detailed information about the conference, sessional program, conditions of participation and application form are available here.

Would you have any questions regarding participation in the conference, please, contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected].

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