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May 17 2012, 15:39 Fruit-Inform

Strawberry prices fall 2.5 times within a week in Ukraine

Strawberry prices fell 2-3 times in Ukraine within a week. Closer to last weekend, producers of strawberries grown in plastic greenhouses were ready to sell their produce at no lower than UAH 35-40/kg (EUR 3.44-3.93/kg). Strawberries of premium quality were offered in small quantities at UAH 45-50/kg (EUR 4.42-4.91/kg). However, already in the beginning of this week, when southern regions started harvesting field-grown strawberries, prices halved to UAH 20-25/kg (EUR 1.97-2.46/kg). As of today, farms from the southern regions sell strawberries at UAH 15-17/kg (EUR 1.47-1.67/kg). Prices of small strawberries dropped to UAH 10-12/kg (EUR 0.98-1.18/kg) that has already aroused a high interest of processors.

“Such a situation was caused by the current season's climatic conditions. Strawberries grown under cover ripened later due to cold and long spring. That fact has backed high prices until the mid-May. At the same time, field-grown strawberries ripened rather quickly thanks to a sharp increase in temperature in late April that has provoked such a dramatic price drop”, Mrs. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform, says.

According to Fruit-Inform, farmers of the southern regions have already started actively harvesting field-grown strawberries. Some farms from the central and eastern regions started harvesting too.

More detailed information about Ukrainian strawberry price prospects in the current season as well as overall Ukrainian berry market information will be presented at the 3rd International Conference “Berries of Ukraine – 2012: Frozen Produce & Fresh Market” that will take place at Stolychnyi Agricultural Center, Kiev, Ukraine, May 24-25, 2012.

The conference will be attended by all leading berry producers of Ukraine as well as the business professionals from 13-15 countries throughout the world.

For more detailed information about the conference, please, contact the conference organizing committee:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected].

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