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November 24 2003, 16:25 APK-Inform

Farm committee recommends accepting the Charter of FAO

Agricultural committee of Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's parliament) has recommended the parliament to support the draft law about conforming to the Charter of UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

Ukraine's membership in FAO means obligation to pay membership fee on the annual basis. The total sum of yearly deposits is expected to constitute $214,880. The payment of instalments from Ukraine's state budget is planned to be started from 2004.

The members of farm committee said at their meeting that Ukraine's accession to FAO would make it eligible for financing the projects from the Organisation's funds even before the payment of the first instalment. Thus, it can be already in this year, immediately after receiving the status of FAO member, that Ukraine could receive extra funding for development of its farm and processing industry complex, the members of the farm committee think.

The question of Ukraine's accession to FAO is to be considered at the next session of UN General Conference on November 29 - December 10.

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