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November 27 2003, 14:26

Russia: government's panel recommended a 447,500 t total quota for import of beef

The Russian Government's Commission on Protective Measures in Foreign Trade and Customs & Tariff Policies has recommended establishing a quota for import of frozen beef to Russian Federation in 2004 in the amount of 420,000 tonnes, of fresh and cooled beef - 27,500 tonnes AK&M agency has informed.

The commission has recommended since January 1, 2004 to set a customs duty for frozen beef, imported within the quota, equal to 15 percent of the cost, but no less than 0.15 euro per kilo, and that for frozen beef, imported outside the quota - at 60 percent of cost, but no less than 0.6 euro per kilo.

The duty for the in-quota fresh and cooled beef will be 15 percent of the cost, but no less than 0.2 euro per kilo, for over-the-quota product - 60 percent, but no less than 0.8 euro per kilo.

Ninety percent of the projected quota for frozen beef will be distributed among the subjects of foreign trade activities according to a historical principle, proportionately to their volumes of imports in the preceding years; 10 percent of the quota will be sold through an auction. The former amount (90 percent) will be distributed as follows: its 60 percent will be granted to the subjects of foreign trade, proportionately to their year-average volumes of import in 2003; 40 percent of this amount will be distributed, proportionately to year-average imports in 2000-2002.

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