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December 3 2003, 11:02 Krestianskiye Vedomosti

Russian govt approved quotas for imports of beef and pork in 2004

Russian government has ratified quotas for imports of beef and pork into the country in 2004, newspaper "Krestianskie Vedomosti" has informed.

According to the resolution, the total volume of import of beef to Russia in 2004 will constitute 420,000 tonnes; the imports of pork will make 450,000 tonnes. It will be allowed to bring 331,800 tonnes of beef and 227,300 tonnes of pork from the EU countries and also Hungary, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Estonia. The US is granted the quota for 17,200 tonnes of beef and 42,200 tonnes of pork, Paraguay - for 3,000 tonnes of beef and 1,000 tonnes of pork, other countries - for 68,000 and 179,500 tonnes of the meats accordingly.

In April 2004 the Ministry for Economic Development of Russian Federation will hold an auction for sales of 10 percent of the quotas for imports of the meat. Up to August 1, 2004, the licences for imports of 90 percent of the meats will be distributed to the participants of foreign trade activities, which possessed the similar licences in 2003. Since September 15 the government will start to grant the licences for imports of the quota volumes, left unclaimed as of August 1.

The size if the duty for import of beef within the quota is established at 15 percent of the cost, but no less than 0.2 euro per kilo (0.15 euro per kilo depending on the kind of product ["Krestianskie Vedomosti"]). The duty for over-the-quota beef is 60 percent of the cost, but no less than 0.6 euro per kilo.

The duty for import of pork within the quota is 15 percent of the cost, but no less than 0.25 euro per kilo (0.2 euro per kilo depending on the kind of product ["Krestianskie Vedomosti"]). The duty for over-quota pork is 80 percent of the cost, but no less than 1.06 euro per kilo.

The duties will be in effect since January 1 till December 31, 2004.

The resolutions were signed by the Head of Government Mikhail Kasyanov on November 29 and will take effect since the day of official publication.

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