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January 6 2004, 11:56

Moldova introduces special import duty for sugar from Febr. 16

Moldovan government has taken decision to introduce a special additional import duty for cane and beet-origin sugar from February 16 this year to stay in effect for 4 years ahead, INTERLINK news agency informed. The size of the duty will be gradually decreasing, making 55 percent but no less than 115 euros per tonne since February 16 till December 31, 2004; 50 percent but no less than 110 euros per tonne during the year 2005; 45 percent but no less than 105 euros per tonne during the next year; and 40 percent but no less than 100 euros per tonne in the period January 1, 2007 - February 15, 2008, the news agency wrote.

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