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January 12 2004, 15:48 APK-Inform

Agrarian committee sees no point in staff changes

According to the Head of the parliamentary committee for the issues of agro-industrial complex Ivan Tomych, situation in Ukraine's farming industry can be saved not by staff rotations, but by production of the appropriate doctrine.

"Ukrainian agro-industrial complex today is experiencing a bad crisis, and those personnel changes, by which [the powers] pretend to try to save the situation, will not bring any positive results in reality", Tomych said.

As it has been reported, new Agrarian Policy Minister - Viktor Slauta - has been appointed to the position on January 12, substituting his predecessor Serhiy Ryzhuk, who has been re-appointed the Head of State Administration in Zhitomir Region.

According to Ukraine's Grain Association, commenting on the new appointment, Ivan Tomych said that today it was urgent, first of all, to radically re-assess the state agrarian policy, to become conscious of what we would like to see in the remote perspective, to elaborate the concept and doctrine of Ukraine's agricultural policy, and only after that to start shaping the team, capable of making these ideas into life.

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