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January 12 2004, 13:22

Grain crop in Estonia higher than year before

In 2003 Estonian farmers harvested 528,200 tonnes of grains, which is by 3,500 tonnes more than the year before, Rosbalt agency informed with reference to the Estonian department of statistics.

In comparison with 2002 the farmers harvested more wheat and barley, but less rye. Thus, wheat crop constituted 156,900 tonnes against 148,400 tonnes in 2002, barley - 262,600 tonnes (249,400 tonnes in 2002), rye - 21,700 tonnes (41,400 tonnes in 2002).

The grains were harvested from 255,200 hectares. Grain yield averaged 2.07 tonnes per hectare, with wheat yield being 2.26 tonnes per hectare, barley yield - 2.07 tonnes per hectare and rye yield - 1.64 tonne per hectare.

The farmers harvested 233,400 tonnes of potato from the area of 13,800 hectares (in 2002 the potato crop had been 210,900 tonnes). The potato yield made 16.86 tonnes per hectare.

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