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May 30 2012, 11:50 Fruit-Inform

Farmers from Western Ukraine expecting good potato production

As of the last week of May, potato producers from Western Ukraine said of good prospects in potato production. Weather conditions were very favorable during planting. The current state of potato plantations is satisfactory too, therefore farmers expect to have good harvest of potatoes. At the same time, the absolute majority of producers said that they had had to reduce usage of plant protection products and fertilizers because of financial shortage and substitute them with less expensive analogues.

According to Fruit-Inform, cutting of technology costs will negatively affect potato yields and lead to lower potato production in comparison with last year. Nevertheless, the market experts expect total potato production to be still higher than the internal market demand.

More detailed information about the potato production and price prospects in Ukraine in the season 2012/13 is available in the annual fundamental study “Fruit & Vegetable Market of Ukraine – 2012: Results and Forecasts for the Next Season”.

Should you need more information about the study, please contact the International Department of Fruit-Inform:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323


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