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June 13 2012, 14:51 APK-Inform

Russians interested in Ukrainian onions

According to Fruit-Inform, Russian importers have shown a growing interest to purchasing onions in Ukraine. The majority of Ukrainian producers could only dream of exports in the outgoing season, as it was very difficult to meet the onion exports plan due to the oversupply in the Russian and Polish markets.

Ukrainian exporters showed a high interest to onions only in the second half of spring. Moreover, since the beginning of summer, the Russian market's demand for Ukrainian onions turned out to be even more significant.

Russian wholesale companies are interested in onions from Ukraine due to limited stocks of high-quality produce in Russia. In May, many Russian farmers started dumping their onions due to sharply worsened quality of produce.

As of today, Ukrainian exporters purchase onions at UAH 0.80-0.90/kg (EUR 0.08-0.09/kg). For comparison, wholesalers buy last year's high-quality produce for the internal market at no higher than UAH 0.70-0.90/kg (EUR 0.07-0.09/kg). Prices of low-quality onions vary between UAH 0.30-0.50/kg (EUR 0.03-0.05/kg).

More detailed information about Ukraine's onion production, price, import and export prospects in the season 2012/13 is available in the fundamental study "Fruit & Vegetable Market of Ukraine – 2012: Results and Forecasts for the Next Season".

Should you need more information about the study, please contact the International Department of Fruit-Inform:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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