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June 13 2012, 16:14 APK-Inform

Supply of apples for processing to grow in Ukraine

Squally wind, hail and storms may negatively affect apple crop in the western regions of Ukraine. According to Fruit-Inform, because of pouring rains, some farms have suspended their treatment operations in orchards. In connection with that, a rapid spread of apple scab is being reported now. In addition, the quality of fruits has seriously suffered from hail in some areas.

However, damages are of local character, and the situation is dissimilar in different regions. Fortunately, the majority of apple growers from Western Ukraine say of good harvest prospects. At the same time, they think that the share of apples for processing may turn out to be larger.

As regards the southern regions and Crimea, farmers say of rather good situation with apple crop and expect high production of apples for fresh market.

We would remind you that the detailed production and price forecast for apples and other fruits in Ukraine for the season 2012/13 is available in the fundamental study "Fruit & Vegetable Market of Ukraine – 2012: Results and Forecasts for the Next Season".

The global, Ukrainian and Russian apple market information will be presented at the 2nd International Conference "Apple Business of Ukraine & Russia – 2012". The event will start its work at President Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine, August 9, 2012.

The business-tour to a Ukrainian apple farm will be held on the second conference day (August 10, 2012).

To take part in the conference, you should fill out an application form available here. Pay your attention that special prices for participation are in effect until June 29, 2012 (200 euro).

Would you need more information about the study or the conference, please contact the International Department of Fruit-Inform:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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