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July 30 2012, 13:20 Fruit-Inform

Final program of the conference “Apple Business of Ukraine & Russia - 2012”

The program of the 2nd International Conference “Apple Business of Ukraine & Russia – 2012” (Kiev, Ukraine, August 9-10, 2012) is 100% completed. The present program was made according to the interests of all representatives of the apple business: from private growers to big agri-companies, equipment and machinery suppliers, representatives of wholesale, retail and international trade.

Within a day, the conference speakers will present a full range of information about present situation and development prospects of the apple market in Ukraine, Russia and Europe. The second conference session will be devoted to modern growing technologies for the apple business. Main issues in apple handling and storage will be covered by the third conference session. The conference first day will end with the session on modern approaches to apple marketing.

On the second conference day (August 10), the conference delegates will be able to visit Obriy OOO, the company in Vinnytsia region, and get acquainted with apple growing in intensive apple orchards and storage with application of modern technologies in practice.

Starting from today, a preliminary list of the conference participants is available on the official web-site of the event.

This year the conference will be attended by more than 150 delegates from 11-13 countries of the world with domestic and foreign apple producers accounting for 50% of them.

Pay your attention that application for participation are accepted within only 5 days, till August 3 inclusive.

More detailed information about the conference, final program, conditions of participation, advertising opportunities, accommodation at President Hotel and application form are available here.

Would you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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