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August 23 2012, 10:17 Fruit-Inform

Potato price situation in Ukraine

Potato price growth is registered in Ukraine since the mid-August that gives hopes of better results of the season 2012/13 to producers.

According to Fruit-Inform price monitoring, since the mid-August, potato prices have grown from the record low level (for this period of the season) of UAH 0.80-1.00/kg (EUR 0.08-0.10/kg) to UAH 1.30-1.70/kg (EUR 0.13-0.17/kg). Some farms offer high-quality potatoes even at UAH 2.00-2.20/kg (EUR 0.20-0.22/kg). However, it should be noted that potato prices are still 25% lower year-on-year, and the market specialists do not expect a sharp jump in prices in at least few nearest months.

“It is already evident that farmers will harvest significantly less ware potatoes than last year”, Mr. Sergey Rybalko, Head of Association of Potato Producers of Ukraine, said. “Quality of potatoes has suffered from weather: drought negatively affected crops in the central, eastern and southern regions where ground temperature had reached 50 degrees Celsius in some places”, the expert added.

He also noted that after failure in the previous season farmers had to save significantly on technologies that had a negative impact also on yields. In connection with that, a considerable part of harvested potatoes will be non-storable, and producers will try to sell the largest part of harvest till early winter.

As regards the situation in the Russian potato market, detailed information about it will be presented at the 5th International Conference "Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2012" that will be held in conjunction with World Food Moscow, September 18, 2012. Special attention will be given to the impact of Russia's accession to the WTO on the foreign trade in fruits and vegetables.

To join the conference participants, you should fill out an application form available here.

Would you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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