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October 22 2012, 14:37 Fito-Mag

Moldova sharply decreases apple exports to Russia

Moldova has decreased apple exports to Russia in the first 2 months of the season 2012/13 compared with the same period of the previous season. According to Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, in July and August 2012 Moldovan exporters shipped only 18,000 tonnes of apples to Russia, while in the same months of the previous season apple exports were at least half as high.

The main reason for Moldova's lower exports is a decrease in domestic production of apples. According to WAPA, Moldovan growers will pick only 322,000 tonnes of these fruits that will be 8% lower year-on-year. However, such a production level still will be slightly higher than average in the past 5 years. Nevertheless, Moldova stands every chance to be behind China in the list of apple exporters to Russia in this season. In addition to low production, current season is characterized by relatively low volumes of marketable apples in Moldova that significantly reduces Moldovan suppliers' chances to export their produce.

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