Russia: apple sellers do not count on higher prices until early December
According to Russian wholesale companies, apple prices will not start changing in Russia until early December at the earliest. They connect it with a traditional growth in demand for apples in the beginning of December resulting in an increase in prices of these fruits. However, according to Fruit-Inform analysts, Polish exporters have already made attempts to raise prices last week. Instead of usual 0.64-0.67 euro/kg, companies tried to sell apples at 0.72-0.74 euro/kg pleading a seasonal decrease in the supply of apples unsuitable for long-term storage.
At the same time, such attempts only led to Russian purchasers' lower interest against a background of currently abundant supply of both domestic and imported apples in the Russian market. For example, Moldovan apples are still sold at 0.52-0.62 euro/kg. In such a way, there will most likely be no jump in apple prices in Russia until early December.