Russia sharply lowers seed potato imports in November
According to Fruit-Inform, the seed potato import season started in Russia in November this year with sharply lower volumes year-on-year (just one ninth of imports registered in the same month of 2011).
Many Russian growers do not hurry to buy seed potatoes now. According to Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, Russia imported 236 tonnes of this product in November with the Netherlands accounting for about 80% in total imports.
The market experts connect a sharp decrease in imports with Russian farmers' financial troubles. For the second season in a row, the Russian potato market has been negatively affected by abundant supply with prices varying between break-even point and lower levels. The market analysts think that many farmers will simply give up growing potatoes next year. The farms that are nevertheless going to plant potatoes in the new season will again use unsold produce for that.
As regards the Ukrainian potato market prospects, the preliminary production and price forecast for potatoes and vegetables for the season 2013/14 will be presented at the 5th International Conference “Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2013”, February 19, 2013, Kiev, Ukraine.
To know more about the event, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
Ievgen Kuzin
phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341
cell: +380 96 5836323
email: [email protected]