Moldova loses ground in Russian apple market
Moldova has been losing ground in the Russian apple market in the past few months. According to Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, in the previous periods from July to November, Moldova was the main apple exporter to Russia. However, in the same period of this year, it was Poland that led in apple exports to the Russian Federation after Russia's accession to the WTO. Previously, Polish exporters were active in the Russian market only since January when the import duty on apples was reduced.
In such a way, in the first 5 months of this season, Moldova exported just 100,000 tonnes of apples to Russia that was 26% lower compared with the same period of the previous season when Russia's imports from Moldova had reached 135,000 tonnes.
At the same time, in the mentioned period, Poland increased its apple exports to Russia 2.6 times to 128,000 tonnes that enabled this country to become the leading apple supplier of the Russian Federation, while a year earlier Poland had ranked only third.