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January 10 2013, 15:32 Fito-Mag

Poland: slight decrease in apple prices

Prices of fresh apples have decreased in Poland since the start of this week. Current prices vary between 0.19-0.48 euro/kg, while last week apples were sold at no lower than 0.22-0.50/kg, depending on variety and size.

According to the market participants, the demand for fruits traditionally grows during Christmas holidays that favors higher prices of produce. Moreover, some growers stop their trade operations in that period that also supports prices. Such a situation was faced in the current season.

However, the majority of companies have already recommenced trading that, in its turn, led to higher supply and, naturally, a decrease in prices to the mentioned level.

Gala, Idared and Golden Delicious varieties should be noted as the most popular ones now in Poland.

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