Ukrainian onions successfully compete with Dutch on the Russian and Romanian markets
Ample onion harvest of high quality in Ukraine affected domestic prices heavily. This situation pushed growers and traders to actively seek markets outside of the country and they have succeeded. In the first five months of the 2012/13 season (July – November 2012) Ukrainian exporters shipped more than 9,000 tonnes of onions, which is the largest volume ever exported during this period. Traditionally, most of the onion exports from Ukraine occur in February – April but in the current season exports started early.
“Ukraine has been actively exporting onions to Russia, Belarus and Romania, where it was highly competitive by its price compared with local produce as well as compared with onions imported from the Netherlands. Importers have also been happy with the quality of Ukrainian onions”, says Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. “In the recent months Ukrainian exporters widened the geography of exports to include Georgia, Moldova, Estonia, Bulgaria and even Turkey and we expect that the export volumes of onions in December 2012 – January 2013 would at least double”, adds Mrs. Getman.
According to Fruit-Inform experts, current domestic prices of onions thanks to active export program have increased to about 0.07 euro cents per kg, which is still a very competitive price.
Great opportunity to meet large suppliers of onions from Ukraine would be provided on February 19, 2013 at the Fifth International Conference “Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2013”, where traditionally all largest growers and exporters of onions and other vegetables gather. To join them today, please register by clinking on this link.