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January 15 2013, 11:21 Fito-Mag

Record low level of Ukraine's apple exports

Ukraine's apple exports in November 2012 were the lowest over the past 5 years. Export volumes amounted just to 2,500 tonnes that was almost 35% lower year-on-year and half of exports in October 2012.

Cumulative exports over the first 5 months of the season 2012/13 reached 14,000 tonnes that was the lowest result over the past 3 seasons. Fruit-Inform experts have already said of bad export conditions in August 2012 during the 2nd International Conference “Apple Business of Ukraine & Russia – 2012”. The main reason for lower external sales of apples was Russia's accession to the WTO.

Russia is one of the biggest buyer of Ukrainian apples abroad. After entrance to the WTO, Russia had to reduce import duties on apples that led to lower prices on the Russian market year-on-year and uncompetitiveness of Ukrainian apples there.

We would remind you that more detailed information about Russian and Ukrainian apple business with 5-year outlook is available in the fundamental study “Apples of Ukraine & Russia — 2013: Present Situation and Prospects in Growing, Storage, Handling, Processing and Marketing”.

The study's preview is available here:

To order the study, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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