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February 5 2013, 10:47 Fruit-Inform

Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine — 2013. Registration going on

Registration of participation in the 5th International Conference “Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2013” continues. We would remind you that the conference will start its work on February 19, 2013, President Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine. On the second conference day (February 20), there will be a practical business-tour to Faktor Konsalts company that manages second largest storage facility for potatoes and vegetables in Ukraine.

The conference program is almost completed and available on the official web-site:

Among latest confirmed presentations, we may mark out “The global potato market. Present situation, development prospects. The most popular potato varieties in Ukraine”, “Novelties in the market for vegetable growing machinery, provision of domestic growers with machinery”, “New vegetable and potato handling technologies. Receiving, washing, sorting, weighing and packing”, “Overview of potato and vegetable sales in the EU supermarkets. Comparison with Ukrainian retail chains”.

A number of the conference participants has already reached 100 delegates with leading Ukrainian potato and vegetable growers accounting for the majority of them: Plodorodiye Agro, Gruntoznavets, Sinenko, Ratushenko, Karmil, Volya, Chernihiv Industrial Milk Company, Vegetable Group, Impak, Adelaida, Chernihivelitkartoplia, Zabarovkoye, Agro-Oven, Shlyakh Iliycha AgriCompany, Grib, Kim, Agroprostor Plus, TD Agrotech, Loschakov, Agroobriy and many others.

Pay your attention that applications for participation are accepted until February 15, 2013.

More detailed information about the conference, conditions of participation, the program and application form are available here:

Would you have any questions regarding the event, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

Ievgen Kuzin

phone: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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