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May 29 2013, 16:21 Fruit-Inform

“Apple Business of Ukraine & Russia” moves to Donetsk

Fruit-Inform, the organizer of the 3rd International Conference “Apple Business of Ukraine & Russia – 2013” (August 15-16, 2013, Donetsk, Ukraine), announces the start of the conference registration.

After two successful conferences held in Kiev, this year's event moves to Donetsk. A change of the conference city is based on the successful experience of the previous berry event and enables both increase regional participation in the event and offer interesting 2-day program. At the same time, Donetsk is ready to ensure comfort accommodation conditions and convenient inter-city and international transfer conditions thanks to availability of airport, railway and bus stations.

The conference program will traditionally be divided into 2 days: sessional part on August 15 and a practical business-tour to Artemivsk Nursery Experimental Station on August 16.

The conference will cover the following topics:

Conference audience: apple growers (above 50%), processing enterprises, representatives of wholesale and retail trade, input and equipment suppliers etc.

The organizers expect the event to be attended by about 200 delegates from 8-10 countries of the world.

The conference is organized by Fruit-Inform and Artemivsk Nursery Experimental Station, one of the leading suppliers of fruit trees, berry and ornamental plants in Ukraine.

Additional options from organizers:

More detailed information about the conference, conditions of participation, advertising options, sponsorship packages and application form are available here.

For more information about the event, please contact Conference Organizing Committee:

Ievgen Kuzin

tel: +7 495 7894419 (Russia)

tel: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341 (Ukraine)

cell: +380 96 5836323

email: [email protected]

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