Russia lifts embargo on imports of Georgian mandarins
An embargo on imports of Georgian citrus fruits (mandarins in particular) is to be lifted from October 14, says Mr. Alexey Alexeyenko, Press Relations Officer of Rosselkhoznadzor (Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation).
Mandarins will be the first citrus category to be shipped to Russia from Georgia. Georgian fruits will not go through tightened control at Russian borders with the quality surveillance to be exercised under the normal procedure. “Our specialists have examined the Georgian quarantine operations, therefore to conduct routine monitoring will be enough for us”, Mr. Alexeyenko explains.
Georgia plans to ship 70,000 tons of mandarins for export. Georgian exporters will compete with Turkey, Morocco and Spain in the Russian market. An embargo on imports of Georgian vegetables, fruits, waters and wines was imposed in 2006 due to quality reasons. In 2013, Rosselkhoznadzor has lifted an embargo on Georgian teas and nuts.