Significant decrease in Ukraine's juice imports
Ukraine has significantly reduced imports of fruit and vegetable juices since the start of the current season, according to the official statistics.
Ukraine's imports reached just 1,700 tons in August 2013, a decrease of 43% year-on-year and the lowest volume registered in this month over the past 5 years. For comparison, Ukraine imported 3,000 tons of fruit and vegetable juices in August 2012.
Cumulative imports of juices in July-August 2013 fell by 13% year-on-year to 4,600 tons, which also is the lowest result over the past 5 years.
We would remind you that Ukraine imported 38,000 tons of fruit and vegetable juices in the previous season, an increase of 38% from the season 2011/12. The Netherlands were the largest exporter with the share of about 15%. The share of Brazil also amounted to 15%. Russia was the third largest exporter and accounted for 14% in Ukraine's total juice imports in the season 2012/13.