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February 3 2014, 13:31 Fito-Mag

Russia: record low imports of raisins in December 2013

Russia's imports of raisins were record low in December 2013, according to Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation.

Imports stood at just 3,300 tons, a decrease of 44% compared with the same month of the previous year.

Russia's cumulative imports of raisins over the first half of the season 2013/14 totaled 17,000 tons, a decrease of 23% year-on-year.

Lower imports are connected with a decrease in shipments of Iranian raisins, as Iran was the leader in raisin exports to Russia in the season 2012/13. In the first half of the current season Iran's exports took just a third of the export volumes in the same period of the previous season.

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