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March 31 2014, 10:49 Fruit-Inform

Slight decrease in Ukrainian fresh produce price index

Fruit-Inform Ukrainian fresh produce price index went down by 1% in the week from March 22nd to 28th, after a decrease of 2.9% a week earlier. At the same time, fruit and vegetable prices in Ukraine are still significantly higher compared with the previous year.

“A decrease in the fresh produce price index last week is connected with a fall in prices of onions, potatoes and table beets due to farmers getting rid of stocks in unequipped storage facilities and their necessity in replenishing circulating assets to conduct field works”, says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. “In addition, prices were under pressure of still low internal demand for produce”.

At the same time, white cabbage prices continued to go up as the supply of high-quality produce still was insufficient. Prices of greenhouse vegetables also grew as their imports kept on decreasing due to instability in the Ukrainian currency market. Apple prices went up due to the same currency problems and a seasonal decrease in high-quality fruits. At the same time, nonstandard apples were relatively inexpensive: their quality kept on worsening due to an increase in temperature in the country.

As regards forecasts, the market analysts expect stabilization in prices of high-quality products in the nearest time thanks to their decreasing supply.

We would remind you that more detailed information about current developments in the Russian and Ukrainian fruit and vegetable market is available for the subscribers of Fruit-Inform service packages.

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