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April 10 2014, 17:07 Fito-Mag

Ukraine: demand and prices for nonstandard apples down

Ukrainian apple market participants say of problems with sales of nonstandard produce. Despite relatively high prices, buyers prefer apples from CA-storage.

Meanwhile, owners of unequipped storage facilities or produce of small size have to continue to reduce prices to sell remaining stocks as soon as possible. The most serious problems were faced by farms with large stocks of nonstandard apples of small size that are not in demand even at minimum prices. As a result, those apples are offered at UAH 2.50/kg (EUR 0.16/kg) and higher, while a week before sellers were ready to ship at no lower than UAH 3/kg (EUR 0.19/kg).

We would also remind you that minimum prices of apples in Ukraine stood at no lower than UAH 5/kg (EUR 0.31/kg) in the same period of the previous season.

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