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April 10 2014, 14:31 Fito-Mag

Russian importers raise imports of Polish apples

Polish exporters say of a significant increase in Russian importers' demand for apples.

Growers say of higher sales rates of Idared variety, while a week ago the demand for those apples was moderate. Polish importers also actively purchase Jonagold, Gloster, Ligol, Golden Delicious, Mutsu and Gala apples.

Nevertheless, both growers and exporters say that higher demand in Russia still has no impact on prices in Poland.

“For the present, Polish growers cannot raise their prices of apples”, a market participant comments. “Russian companies are not ready to purchase Polish apples at higher prices due to no shortage of apple supply in Russia. Thus even a slight increase in Polish growers' prices may lead to a significant fall in Russian importers' demand”.

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