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June 17 2014, 12:24 Fruit-Inform

Bayer CropScience becomes the Business-Tour Sponsor of Apple Business of Ukraine-2014 Conference

Bayer CropScience will be the Sponsor of the Business-Tour that is going to be held as a part of the 4th International Conference “Apple Business of Ukraine-2014” on August 15 to Agro-Etalon, the leading apple farm in Ukraine. The conference itself will be held on August 14 in the most comfort hall of Vinnytsia - Feride Plaza.

For the present, Bayer CropScience is the global leader in manufacturing insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and seed treatment agents. At the conference, the company's representatives will present the information about modern products and novelties designed for the Ukrainian apple sector.

Registration of the conference and business-tour participants goes on. The organizers expect the event to be attended by about 150 delegates from 8-10 countries of the world. The conference organizers also expect that more than a half of the delegates will be represented by apple growers that opens wide opportunities for sponsors and advertisers.

To register your participation, please follow this link. Pay your attention that preferential registration conditions are in effect until June 27 inclusive.

More detailed information about the conference, draft program, participation conditions, advertising options and sponsorship opportunities are available on the official web-site.

The conference delegates can book accommodation in the hotel of Feride Plaza, which hosts the event. Accommodation costs are not included in the conference fee. More information is available here.

Would you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

e-mail: [email protected]

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