Further decrease in Ukrainian fresh produce price index
Fruit-Inform Ukrainian fresh produce price index went down by 5.2% in the week from July 12th to 18th, after a fall of more than 40% over the previous two weeks.
«As like a week before, the main contribution to a decrease in the price index was made by traditional vegetables, potatoes and field-grown tomatoes», says Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform. «Furthermore, the negative rates in the price index have been significantly higher year-on-year in the past three weeks: -45.5% in 2014 against -21.9% in 2013».
The sharpest decrease in prices was registered in the segments of tomatoes and carrots. The supply of field-grown tomatoes kept on growing that exerted significant pressure on prices. Prices of greenhouse tomatoes also continued to go down under conditions of problems with their sales for export. A decrease in carrot prices was connected with more active harvesting of early varieties thanks to favorable weather conditions. A sharp decrease in prices of potatoes and traditional vegetables due to active harvesting in the northern and western regions of Ukraine should also be noted.
Nevertheless, fruit prices stabilized last week with a decrease registered only in the segment of early apples.
Ukrainian growers expect that the price trends may change after the end of harvesting traditional vegetables. After that, prices of some categories may significantly grow in Ukraine. In general, weather conditions were rather favorable for production of potatoes and traditional vegetables, therefore farmers do not expect a sharp increase in prices even in the inter-season period.
We would remind you that more detailed information about current developments in the Russian and Ukrainian fruit and vegetable market is available for the subscribers of Fruit-Inform service packages.