Ukraine: growers' prices of grapes up by 60% over a week
According to Fruit-Inform, Ukrainian growers have raised their prices of grapes by 60% over a week.
For the present, they offer grapes at UAH 8-15/kg (EUR 0.43-0.80/kg), depending on variety and quality, while last week prices were not higher than UAH 8/kg (EUR 0.43/kg). An increase in prices is connected with lower supply and stably high demand for grapes in the country. Current prices are also 50-80% higher year-on-year.
The price growth is also backed by relatively expensive imports and problems with shipments from Crimea, which is the third largest grape producing region in Ukraine (after Odessa and Kherson ones).
Imported grapes are offered at UAH 15-20/kg (EUR 0.80-1.06/kg), depending on variety, quality and country of origin, an increase of 15-20% year-on-year due to the devaluation of the Ukrainian hryvnia.