Russia's ban on imports of Ukrainian crops to enter into force on October 22
Russia’s veterinary and phyto-sanitary watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor decided to introduce a temporary ban on imports of Ukrainian crops (inclusive of fruits and vegetables) on October 22.
According to Mr. Alexey Saurin (the Deputy Chief of Rosselkhoznadzor), the watchdog has not received the information on the crop production volumes and areas in the Ukrainian regions from Ukrainian authorities.
“Since Rosselkhoznadzor has not received a reply to its queries from the Ukrainian state phytosanitary service, and also bearing in mind the entire set of threats and risks stemming from the current situation, Mr. Saurin made a decision to impose temporary restrictions on all import and transit through its territory of crop products from Ukraine,” the news release runs.
Meanwhile, Mr. Andrey Chelombitko, Head of Plant Quarantine Department at the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine, expressed readiness to reply to Rosselkhoznadzor's queries and stated that the Ukrainian Phytosanitary Service has not received them in a regular manner or via agreed emails so far and has been made aware of its contents only from the official notice on Rosselkhoznadzor's web-site.
On October 21, after multiple requests from Fruit-Inform journalists, the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service and Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, expressed readiness to provide Rosselkhoznadzor with all requested information.