Ukraine: demand for table beets up
According to Fruit-Inform, the demand for table beets went up in Ukraine this week, and it had an immediate effect on prices.
Table beets have become averagely 10% more expensive over a week. For the present, prices vary between UAH 2-3/kg (EUR 0.07-0.10/kg), and minimum price levels are registered in the western regions of the country. The price growth is backed by an increase in the internal market demand for table beets and relatively low stocks of produce in farms in view of high losses of the crop due to a cold spell in late October 2014.
It should also be noted that current table beet prices are averagely 10-15% higher year-on-year.
More detailed information about the Ukrainian market for potatoes and traditional vegetables (onions, white cabbage, carrots, table beets) will be presented at the 7th International Conference «Potatoes & Vegetables of Ukraine-2015», which will be held on February 27, 2015, Kiev, Ukraine.
All information about the event, preliminary program, conditions of participation and application form are available on
Would you have any questions regarding the event, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
Mr Ievgen Kuzin
tel: +380 (562) 321595, ext. - 341
cell: +380 96 5836323
email: [email protected]