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June 16 2004, 09:10 Interfax-Ukraine

Verkhovna Rada ratified agreement on accrediting to Ukraine loan of EBRD for issue state certificates of property rights to land

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the agreement on accrediting Ukraine a loan of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) at 195.13 million dollars in order to issue state certificates of property rights to land in the countryside and to develop cadastre system.

According to the agreement, Ukraine must pay to the bank a single fee at a rate of 1% from the loan sum. Ukraine pays out the obligations fee to the bank at a rate of three quarters of 1% per year from the total loan sum. Loan interests and other fees are paid out each year on January 15 and July 15.

The loan is accommodated to finance issue state certificates of the property right to land in the countryside and development of cadastre system.

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