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March 16 2015, 15:53 Fruit-Inform

Russian growers to significantly expand areas under potatoes

According to Fruit-Inform, Russian farmers plan to expand areas under potatoes in the season 2015/16 taking into account still large transit stocks of produce.

Plans to expand areas were also confirmed by Mr. Aleksey Krasilnikov, Executive Director at Potato Union of the Russian Federation.

He also connects an increase in areas with several indirect factors. In particular, Russian growers' demand for high-quality seed potatoes of European origin has significantly grown, according to Mr. Krasilnikov.

«Rosselkhoznadzor (Russia's phytosanitary watchdog) says of a higher number of requests to inspect batches of seed potatoes from the EU countries, which shows more active demand for European seeds in Russia», he says.

According to Mr. Krasilnikov, prices of European seed potatoes are now twice as high as a year before. Nevertheless, he considers purchasing elite seed potatoes economically viable, as they will have a direct impact on the quality and yields of potatoes in the upcoming season.

Manufacturers of mesh bags also say of higher demand for their products. According to them, sales of mesh bags have tripled in Russia since autumn 2014.

According to Potato Union's data, areas under potatoes may expand by 5% in 2015. If such a forecast comes true, potato areas will reach record high in the Russian Federation. According to Fruit-Inform's data, a previous sharp increase in potato areas has been registered in 2009, when areas expanded by 4%, which led to significant growth in potato production in Russia.

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