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March 31 2015, 13:41 Fruit-Inform

New participants of Berries of Ukraine-2015: Frozen Produce & Fresh Market Conference

Registration of participants of the 6th International Conference «Berries of Ukraine-2015: Frozen Produce & Fresh Market» goes on. The organizers say of active registration despite the conference to begin its work in almost two months: May 21, 2015, Kiev, Ukraine.

The conference will again be of an international format, as their participation has been already confirmed by representatives from Sweden, Poland, Moldova and Ukraine. Altogether, the organizers expect the event's geography to include 10-12 countries of the world.

Among recently confirmed participants we may mention such companies, as OctoFrost AB, Orhei-Vit, Agrana Fruit Luka, Koshevoy, Tecofood, Agrofirma Vesna-2011, Wiseberry, VLT Flora, Promtekhgroup, VLT Agrosvit, Konsoris Agro, Agrofirma Peregudoff Crimea, Konev, TRV Kholod, Izyumskoye, Ukraina-Gold Sad, Petruzalek, Rusbana Engineering, Zdorovyi Produkt, Dvipa, Robin Fruit and others.

A total number of the conference delegates is expected to exceed 150 participants with more than a half of them to be represented by producers of fresh and frozen berries.

To join the sector leaders, please fill out an application form available here. The conference program, conditions of participation and advertising opportunities are available on

Would you have any questions concerning the conference, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

e-mail: [email protected]

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