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March 31 2015, 16:12 Fruit-Inform

Ukraine: strawberry imports reach record low in 2014

According to Fruit-Inform, Ukraine's imports of strawberries reached 7-year low in 2014 after a fall of 74% year-on-year.

Greece traditionally led in strawberry exports to Ukraine with the share of 68% in Ukraine's total imports. The Netherlands and Turkey accounted for 10% and 7%, respectively. Ukraine also remained a net importer of strawberries in 2014, despite an increase of 50% in exports.

Such cardinal changes in the Ukraine's strawberry foreign trade balance were registered thanks to both an increase in internal production of strawberries and growth in prices of imported produce in view of the devaluation of the national currency.

In 2015 Ukrainian growers will be able to compete with imports as much as possible. How will this impact prices in the internal market, and will exporters be interested in selling Ukrainian strawberries in a new season? These and many other questions will be answered at the 6th International Conference «Berries of Ukraine-2015: Frozen Produce & Fresh Market». The conference will be held on May 21-22, 2015, Kiev, Ukraine.

More detailed information about the event is available on

Would you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

e-mail: [email protected]

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