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August 26 2015, 11:43 Fruit-Inform

Lviv, Ukraine: white cabbage prices 10 times as high as a year before

According to Fruit-Inform daily price monitoring, white cabbage prices at Shuvar Wholesale Market, Lviv, Ukraine, are now 10 times as high as in the same period of the previous season.

Moreover, white cabbage prices keep on rapidly growing in Ukraine: white cabbages have become averagely 70% more expensive over the past week.

The lowest prices are quoted at Kopani Wholesale Market, Kherson Oblast: UAH 5.50-6.00/kg (USD 0.23-0.25/kg), an increase of 70% week-on-week and 5 times as high as a year before.

Most expensive white cabbages are offered at Shuvar Wholesale Market, Lviv: UAH 10-11/kg (USD 0.42-0.47/kg), 10 times as high as registered in the same period of the previous season.

Rapid growth in white cabbage prices is connected with shortage of supply in the Ukrainian market due to an inter-season period. At the same time, the demand for white cabbages is rather high. In its turn, a year-on-year increase in prices is connected with lower white cabbage production in Ukraine in the current season due to reduced areas under this crop.

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