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January 19 2016, 09:24 Fruit-Inform

Poland sharply reduces white cabbage exports in 2015/16

According to the official statistics of Poland, the country has reduced its white cabbage exports in this season.

Polish white cabbage exports totaled just 84,300 tons (valued at $23.6 mln) in the first three quarters of the current marketing year. For comparison, exports in the same period of the season 2014/15 totaled 131,800 tons valued at $39 mln. As a result, exports went down by 36% in volumes and by 40% in the value terms year-on-year.

The market participants connect a sharp fall in exports with a significant decline of 26% in white cabbage production in Poland due to unfavorable weather conditions.

It should also be noted that Poland was actively shipping white cabbage to Russia through Belarus in the previous season, and exports to that destination exceeded 47,000 tons. To the contrary, in this season Poland is forced to import white cabbage from Russia.

We would remind you that Russian white cabbage production reached record high in 2015.

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