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April 8 2016, 08:40 Fruit-Inform

Losses of apricot crop reach 100% in Crimea due to frosts

Frosts registered in some regions of Crimea in the end of March were a disaster for stonefruit growers, according to Fruit-Inform.

On the night of March 19 air temperature in many regions of Crimea went down to two degrees below zero, and, according to growers, the majority of stonefruit trees had already started blossoming.

Such a sharp drop in temperature negatively affected fruit orchards. For the present, growers are still calculating their losses; however, they are already sure of significant losses of their apricot crop with some farms' losses to reach 100%. A decrease in production of sweet cherries and peaches may reach 50-90%.

We would remind you that similar situation was observed in Crimea in late March 2013, when the peninsula lost almost all apricot crop due to a drop in temperature and snowfall.

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