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September 24 2004, 11:06 APK-Inform

Russia: new crop grain quality performances as of Sept. 23

According to the data of Russian State Bread Inspectorate as of September 23, examination of 28.5 tonnes of new crop wheat (68 percent of the total crop) revealed that the share of milling wheat constituted 71 percent against 70 percent the week before. The share of top quality (3rd class) milling wheat increased 1 percent from the previous week - to 29 percent (8.3 million tonnes). The share of mid-quality (4th class) milling wheat has not changed, staying at 42 percent (near 12 million tonnes). The share of feed wheat decreased 1 percent - to 29 percent of the tested amount (8.4 million tonnes).

As of September 23 the Inspectorate also tested 2.1 million tonnes of newly harvested rye (69 percent of the total crop) and found out that the share of milling grain within this volume was 81 percent (1.7 million tonnes). The share of top quality (1st class) rye is 27 percent (or 552,500 tonnes) of the tested volume.

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