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September 22 2004, 17:59 APK-Inform

Customs Service to watchdog mediators against unjustified VAT refunds under grain export deals

According to LigaBusinessInform agency, the State Customs Service of Ukraine in its letter of September 15 informed about introduction of a special procedure of customs control and customs clearance of food grain being exported outside the customs territory of Ukraine.

In particular, the customs offices have been ordered to take special attention to the contracts, submitted for customs clearance by mediator companies, and to take a chance to find out the sources of the grain purchase in such occasions: whether the grain was bought at an exchange, from the immediate producer or from another intermediary.

The executives of customs bodies are ordered to arrange "close interaction" with branches of tax inspectorates, and once the export operations with food grains are spotted as being transacted by intermediaries, they ought to inform the latter authorities about such exports and provide them with the information about the price, stated in the contracts.

In case the customs officials reveal "doubtful transactions", the information should also be rendered to law-enforcement authorities.

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