Sunoil yield in Ukraine lower than last season
In September the average-weighted yield of sunflower oil at industrial crushing plants of Ukraine was 42 percent, which is by half point less than in the MY 2003/04 on average. The comparison with September 2003 has shown a 3 percent drop, but it is not exponential, as many crushing enterprises were starting last season with processing the 2002 crop seeds, which were characterised by high oil content. On the whole, according to some large oil crushers, the yield of sunflower oil during the 2004/05 MY at industrial crushing plants of Ukraine will be approximately at the level of last season, i.e. 42 to 43 percent (last season it was 42.5 percent on average).
However, the network of rural crushing shops has been showing less optimistic results. Thus, according to operative information from small producers, the yield of sunflower oil is mostly ranging between 30 and 35 percent against 33 to 38 percent last season.