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November 10 2004, 11:25 APK-Inform

Anti-monopoly committee satisfied with behaviour of regions on grain market

As of November 9 nearly all regions of Ukraine (except for Kirovograd Oblast and AR of Crimea) accomplished recommendations of Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) as regards elimination of administrative barriers for removals of grain out of the regions, AMCU Head Olexiy Kostusev said on November 9 at a meeting with traders and governmental authorities.

If "competition in the regions", which do not comply with the AMCU "recommendations" as regards elimination of obstacles for grain movement, "is not restored" in the nearest time, the Committee is going to start relevant legal actions and perhaps take to the penal sanctions.

The AMCU Head said that "thanks to the permanent dialogue of the Committee with entrepreneurs and representatives of power, three fourth of all the breeches on the grain market are stopped by way of recommendations. Moreover, in some regions some enterprises reduce the prices for bread and grain storage and processing services on their own accord, not waiting for sanctions of the Committee".

Kostusev called this tendency "reassuring". According to him, it means that the "laws of competition" on grain market are starting to work "at full value".

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