Prices on onion drop down
The analysts of Agricultural Marketing Project (AMP) observe the increase of bulb onion supply this week on a relatively moderate price. After the end of harvesting process the price on onion increased up to USD $ 0.13-0.16/kg despite of the market players prognoses concerning price drop up to USD $ 0.07/kg and less; now it is possible to purchase onion from the producers on price of USD $ 0.09/kg. Such price correction was quite expectable, because the preserved high prices have already led to contraband supplies of this commodity from the neighboring Poland, that in its turn have added to the complicated situation with onion overproduction.
According to AMP evaluation, onion production in this season will be over Ukrainian interior needs in onion on 40-50%. Meanwhile the export of this commodity is difficult because of experience absence of onion export supplies; the onion overproduction is also observed in the countries neighboring to Ukraine. For example, in Poland farmers sell onion on USD 0.06/kg and even lower.