Export of new crop grain from Crimea is banned until regional milling wheat stock is formed
New crop grain export from Crimea is banned until regional milling wheat stock is formed, complete agricultural producers repayment of received credits. This is provided by the Order of Head of Civil Defense Staff of Crimea, Head of Council of Ministers of Crimea Sergey Kunitsin, was announced by the press agency of the Crimean government.
Until fulfillment of these terms there will be roadblocks on entrances to Crimea of State Auto Inspection, Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Council of Security of Ukraine and taxation administration that will control traffic flows.
Head of Crimean government in his address to all grain producers in the republic called them to agreed actions at the grain market and avoid damping selling. According to Sergey Kunitsin, prices on barley now shouldn't decrease below 450 hryvnyas per ton, and 3rd class wheat - 700 hryvnyas per ton.