Price on honey went up on the market of Ukraine
This year was not very favorable for bee keepers of Ukraine, as a result the wholesale prices on honey have gone up significantly. Price growth was determined both by the production decrease (and by the supply decrease respectively) and by the sufficient increase of expenses for production of one kilo of honey, cause bee keepers had to feed bees in spring and even sometimes in summer.
This week wholesale supplies of honey were offered on USD $ 1.9 -2.3/kg. Up to 10-15 tons of honey can be purchased on this price; packed commodity was more expensive. To compare with the previous year, the producers offered honey on USD $ 1.3-1.7/kg.
According to USDA information, honey production is decreasing throughout the world. During past five years the production decreased on 7-8%, as to the different assessments. At the same time world prices on honey remain rather moderate. The largest exporters sell this commodity on USD $ 1.1-1.4/kg.
For information, the organic honey is becoming more popular that let the producer sell this commodity for the better price. According to the experts' words, the certification process takes less time and is much cheaper than land certification for organic production of agricultural crops.