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November 30 2004, 14:15 Interfax-Ukraine

Grain stocks in state reserve make 1.8 mln t - finance minister

Grain stocks in the state reserve are currently 1.8 million tonnes, Ukraine's First Vice Prime Minster, the Minister of Finance Mykola Azarov said on November 30 to Ukrainian parliament.

"We've got 1.8 million tonnes in the state reserve. We will easily survive the next year, without any disturbances and crises", Azarov said.

As of now Ukraine's Committee for State Reserves has held 8 tenders for purchase of new crop grain in total amount of 1.267 million tonnes. According to the Head of the Committee Mykola Pesotsky, until the end of year the state reserve will continue purchases of milling grain on the exchange market. Preference will be given to lower quality milling wheat (5th class).

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